Working Hours :

Monday - Friday, 10am - 05pm


Our Client Success Stories

Our client success stories are testaments to the power of our neuroscience-based approach to organizational development. These narratives showcase how we've helped diverse companies achieve remarkable transformations, driving tangible results and lasting change.

Reckitt Benckiser

NeoSynapses has worked closely with RB over a period of time and catering to different teams.

From working with the CEO and his direct reportees to lay a foundation of performance in the VUCA world to working with different departments in creating awareness and performance driven culture to excel. NeoSynapses has also coached various people as per their respective needs to excel.

Key Interventions

Basic Planning
Trust and Collaboration
Executive Coaching
High Performance Team

Mahindra Rise

As Mahindra Rise is growing at a rapid pace, they felt the need to strengthen the management, robust and ready for the uncertain business environment to manage people and Business.

At this point, NeoSynapses started working with Mahindra at different management levels across different Businesses. Multiple journeys were designed to cater to various needs which will not just help grow their people but also enable them to understand and empower them to grow their respective businesses. Interventions ranged from Managerial Effectiveness, Impactful Conversations, understanding business through Business Simulation.

Key Interventions

Managerial Effectiveness
Impactful Conversations
Business Simulation


ACC as an organisation has gone through a lot of ups and downs with respect to merger and acquisitions.  The need of the hour was to understand the core of business value chain, work in collaboration with each other.

The interventions were planned from time to time catering from Senior Management to Middle Management to help them develop awareness. Various methods and tools were used to make the transit between learning to real life. NeoSynapses had partnered ACC LEARNING ACADEMY to cater to different learning needs at ACC.

Key Interventions

Business Simulation
Leadership Development
Managing Change
Collaboration of Performance

Spark Minda

One of the leading organisation in the Auto Ancillary industry with a legacy of more than 6 decades, Spark Minda has always been a first choice with OEM’s and after market segment.  They were able to anticipate the future and leave behind legacy working to be a more agile and robust organisation. Over the years,

NeoSynapses has partnered with them in initiatives to empower and enable CEO’s and CXO’s of different organisations within the Spark Minda group. Facilitating Annual Management Conferences, Sales Offsites and CEO Conclave along with CXO Coaching and facilitating various projects from time to time.

Key Interventions

Assessment Center
Leadership Development
Change Management
Sales Effectiveness


Our journey with Carlsberg started way back in 2012 when NeoSynapses facilitated their Management conference in Goa. It was after the conference that they decided to engage us in their growth journey of becoming a market leader. From conducting sales meet, brewery offsites, management conferences and CXO coaching sessions pan India,

NeoSynapses worked at different levels which led to better business alignment and growth.

Key Interventions

Sales Meets/Kick Offs for Sales Effectiveness
Leadership Development
Brewery (Plant) Sessions on Performance Culture


Khanna Paper Mills has been striving to gain market share in the paper industry. They have upgraded themselves on the technical grounds however the mindset was required to gain market share and become the leader.

NeoSynapses partnered with them to work on the Mindset of their people (Corporate office and Manufacturing Plant)to gear up for the steep climb. After understanding the need, gaps were identified and a senior leadership boot camp was conducted to create Success Factors. The same were then cascaded to HOD’s and senior managers.

Further strengthen the technical capabilities by creating Business Projects and build a pipeline through Assessment Centers and coaching.

Key Interventions

Leading in the VUCA World
Executive Coaching
Mindset Change
Project Management